PS4 KLD-004 Slim Disc Not Spinning Bluray Drive Fault Repair Sensor
PS4 KLD-004 issue with the Playstation 4 Slim Model where the bluray drive doesn’t spin when a game is inserted, goes in and ejects fine but doesn’t spin or read disc. PS4 game not spinning when inserted.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Animation
0:28 Overview of the fault
0:57 Disc not spinning
2:37 Removing the top of the PS4 Bluray Drive
3:08 Identifying the KLD-004 Disc Detection Board
3:54 Replacement Part from
4:08 Removing the old KLD-004 Board
4:54 Desoldering the faulty disc detection board
5:46 Fitting the replacement KLD-004 Board
6:31 Testing the disc detection on PS4 Slim
7:25 Summary & Outro
9:27 Endlinks
Intro video: Animation:
Goodwins Place
♬: Track: TURISMO by Spaceinvader…