Neo Geo CD Laser Replacement : Part 3 – Neo Geo CD Not Reading CDs

Video 3 in the repair series for this system, looking to get the CD rom up and running, testing out two CD roms before doing a laser swap to get the Neo Geo CD system up and running. Neo Geo CD Laser Replacement

———————— SHOUT OUTS ————————

Sega Zombie – supplying me with a second CD drive…

———————— CHAPTERS ————————
0:00​ Intro
0:06​ Animation
0:25​ Overview of Neo Geo CD Repair so far
1:24​ Picking up a game for the Neo Geo CD
2:34​ Testing the original CD drive with a game
4:10​ Cleaning up and testing the original CD drive
12:58​ Planning on next idea to test
13:33​ Sega Zombie Gift of a drive to test
15:17​ Testing the replacement drive
19:51​ Progress so far – what to do next?
20:34​ Swapping out the laser
22:03​ Testing the new laser – RESULT
22:49​ Summary and ideas for next steps
25:31​ Endlinks

———————— MUSIC ————————
Intro video:
Animation: Goodwins Place
Video Background & Credits: